As a fully qualified nutritionist, with a Diploma in Advanced Nutrition, Petra is passionate about food – using it to improve all aspects of health and wellbeing.
As part of a properly formulated plan which is designed for YOU, Petra will take you through the journey of overhauling your diet and supporting you as you make permanent changes to your food intake which will support your long term weight loss, health and wellbeing.
Want to talk about sugar? GI Index? Fat – is it good or is it bad? Need to sleep better? Do you know how much cake equivalent is in one glass of wine? Why should you eat nuts with your apple snack? What pH level does your body functions best at, and how can you achieve that? You like cheese and bread…which are the healthiest choices? What about your gut – learn how to keep it balanced and get that good bacteria doing it’s job!
A course of food diary planning and weekly consultations costs £40 per session. Contact Petra to discuss your own personal requirements, on a fully confidential basis.
No faddy stuff, no eliminating necessary food groups just eating a balanced colourful selection of foods including a bit of what you fancy!
“If technology hadn’t come about and our food choices weren’t as wide and tempting as they are now, we would all be walking everywhere not sitting in front of the computer/tv or using dishwashers and washing machines etc etc (the list is endless). None of us would be concerned about our weight. We would be eating smaller portions of food that would be prepared using natural ingredients. Our days would then involve a lot of moving around and burning off the food we have eaten. This is not the case anymore with all the luxuries we have. Therefore we must incorporate exercise into our lives and think about what we are eating!! We all know this but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded!!”